

Our Click & Collect Repair Service


Geneva’s click and collect repair service begins with you simply submitting a call back request where we will quickly establish what level of service you require.

Geneva’s Head of Design, Manufacturing and Aftercare Services Dave Walker has been repairing brass and woodwind instruments for 35 years, servicing the instruments of top bands and fabricating customer peripherals and accessories to assist playing. His experience is the greatest asset to our growing team of aftercare service specialists.

His work philosophy is focused around the creation and maintenance of brass and woodwind instruments that transform the current standards for sound, ergonomics and build quality.

No job is too large or small, we cater and provide the same level of service for all standards of players.

Insurance quotes can be provided on request.

Our Swap Out Service

This service is currently unavailable due to Covid 19 Lockdown.

Repairs Service Form

To request a Repair Service Call back, please complete this form.


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